Monday, June 1, 2015

It's not loud enough!

 I've been blessed to be a musician for more than 45 years. I was trained as a classical string bass player and have also performed and recorded as an electric bass guitarist across the country. One of the greatest joys of my life is combining my love for the bass, my love for Jesus Christ, and my love for my fellow worship musicians as I serve at my church.

I want to share a few personal comments and offer an explanation for my philosophy about the volume of our worship services.

The scriptures teach that we are to love God with everything we have, that is, with passion. Jesus also taught that I should worship God (not me) in spirit and in truth. I take that to mean that my worship should be transcendent – providing a few moments when I experience selflessness and surrender to sense him, not me.

In worship with contemporary music, what volume motivates passion and transcendence in me and in the congregation? The scriptures do not offer a prescription. We are encouraged to use creativity and artistry and the tools of our culture as we welcome the spirit to do his work among us in worship.

But how loud should it be?

I would like to propose an answer based on human physiology. Individuals are wired differently in their preferences for the style and volume of music that brings energy without distraction. No one solution is perfect for everyone. When it comes to volume, we measure the human sensation of sound using the decibel scale. Diagram 1 relates this scale (middle) to common sounds (left) and to music (right).

Diagram 1

The characteristics of groups of people can be described by a bell curve. This principle applies to the physiology of hearing and volume preferences. Diagram 2 shows that volume preferences in worship follow a bell curve with 95 decibels being a rock worship volume that promotes passion and transcendence for the average person. 10% of people don't experience sufficient sound energy until the experience reaches 105 decibels, and 10% prefer sound quieter than 85 decibels. It isn't that some people are "right" and some are "wrong." It is that humans have different preferences due to physiology and culture and experience.

Diagram 2

The challenge in designing and delivering a passionate and transcendent worship experience is meeting the needs of the majority of worshippers while understanding that it is impossible (because of the bell curve) to serve everyone equally. A common church solution is the "cause no offense" strategy. Worship volume is set at perhaps 85 decibels so that fewer than 10% will be distracted by excessive volume. As shown in diagram 2, this has been the typical approach at my church. Our contemporary worship services offer 20 minutes of music averaging 85 decibels. The serious flaw of this approach is that as many as 90% of participants are actually distracted by the inadequacy of this volume experience.

So what do I recommend? Let us learn from the bell curve! Our worship planners are professionals who design worship experiences to serve the majority. Our average contemporary worship volume should be 95 decibels, with the full understanding that this volume is completely safe but will be distractingly loud for 10% who are sensitive, and distractingly soft for 10% who long to "feel" the music. We can lovingly offer ear protection or alternative worship experiences to those with sensitivity, and urge those seeking a louder experience to supplement their worship with music in the car or at home.

Adequate worship volume means moderation to serve the majority. In my opinion, a 95 decibel average should be our goal in contemporary worship at my church.


Thursday, February 5, 2015


A friend of mine who has a career in a service industry recently asked me to comment on skills and traits that are impressive to managers and that imply leadership potential. My response was the following list, and the hypothesis that pursuit of these habits might enhance the probability of promotion. What do you think? Are there items you would change or replace?

1. Provide quality customer service. Don't settle for just getting the job done. Seek to exceed expectations in every transaction with superiors and customers. Go the extra mile and beyond, without being asked, showing creative initiative.

2. Be an excellent communicator. Ask questions and share information efficiently and accurately, without wasting the time of those you serve. Use e-mail and other online tools as effectively as possible to maximize productivity. 

3. Do sweat the details. Always be thinking one step ahead of the process, anticipating issues and resolving them ahead of time. Be known as a detail person.

4. Avoid procrastination. Think ahead, do ahead. Make detailed checklists and plans with deadlines and follow them. This applies to daily and weekly responsibilities as well as long-term projects. Break big projects into small pieces. Be known as a person who gets tasks done well before deadlines, not as a person who puts out fires.

5. Be responsive. Quickly respond to all communications to show concern and attention to detail. Never let any customer or colleague doubt that you have service as your primary goal.

6. Cultivate organizational skills. Use digital and analog tools to stay on top of task lists and subordinates and their assignments. Make your calendar organized, make your computer organized, make your smartphone organized and yes, make your workspace organized. Attention to extreme tidiness in workspace and in the space you control within the organization will impress others concerning your professionalism, and send a message about your style. Appearances do matter when it comes to evidence that you are a highly organized person.

7. Work predictable and realistic hours so that your family has a sustainable lifestyle, but be on call at all times for customer service and problem solving.

8. Offer creative suggestions and show your value by solving problems inexpensively and through collaboration. Become known as a problem solver who gets things done quickly, ahead of schedule, under budget, and without reminders.

9. Request feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. Request a 360˚ anonymous review at least annually to see how you are doing. 

10. Be a good manager of volunteers and subordinates. Show respect, demand excellence, mentor with 3 compliments for every correction, display a sense of humor.
